I wouldn’t be speaking so much ( like literally so much) about the incredible benefits of journaling if I myself didn’t experience that. If you wish to heal yourself, re-discover your soul’s calling, find your best self, and live fully you totally need to start journaling. I started this beautiful practice of writing morning pages as a form of journaling from December 2019 and it has totally changed my life. However, these journaling prompts will always help you get started and do some deep inner work. There always is a time when you feel stuck in this process of journaling especially when you’re a beginner. If you’ve been reading my posts and following me on ‘gram, you would already know how much I owe to this beautiful art of journaling. I cannot believe how much journalinghas helped me grow in these past years. Journal prompts are something that I always felt close to when I started my writing journey. 100 journal prompts for self-discovery and personal development Check out our notebook and journal collections at Nottai. Having a dedicated place to journal can help create a regular habit of journaling.

Write a letter to someone from your childhood self to thank them for being there for you.What blessings did you have in your childhood that you weren’t conscious of?.Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? Write about them.Do those things still make you nervous now? Why?.Were you self-conscious as a child? Why? Are you self-conscious now?.

List 5 reasons why you believe in yourself.Write about a time when you felt at peace.What scares you? Do you avoid the things that scare you or do you take them head on? Why?.What do you wish your inner critic understood?.When you feel ashamed, how do you react?.How did shame become part of your self-talk?.What is your first memory of feeling ashamed?.What is one time that you forgave yourself for messing up?.What grudges are you holding on to? How can you let them go?.In what areas of life do you hold yourself to an unachievable standard?.What makes me feel anxious? Where do these feelings stem from?.What do you have negative self-talk about?.What makes you feel jealous? Where does that feeling of envy stem from?.What can I do now to honor the needs my inner child?.How did I see the world? How did I see it differently through the lens of a child?.How can you get to know yourself better?.